Metal Wire Bicycle Basket with All Fittings Featured Image
  • Metal Wire Bicycle Basket with All Fittings
  • Metal Wire Bicycle Basket with All Fittings

Ngwongwo igwe eletriki igwe nke nwere eriri

Nkọwa nkenke:

Product Ihe



    Nodị No.:IKIA-BC-B14

    Ihe breeki:Diski breeki

    Chainwheel Ezé:34-42T

    Derailleur Set:Enweghị Derailleur

    Ụba ihe:Magnesium Alloy

    Ịnye ọkụ:Ike mmadụ

    Ihe nzuzu:Nchara

    Handlebar ihe:Nchara

    Egwuregwu Nkata:Titanium Alloy

    Egwuregwu Egwuregwu Egwuregwu:Aluminom / Alloy

    Typedị Ìhè:Ọwa ọkụ

    Ọnọdụ / Igwe ọkụ ọkụ:N'azụ Light

    Sadulu Shell Ihe:Alloy

    Asụsụ Ọnụ:16-22H

    Ndụdụ ihe:Aluminom Alloy

    Ihe breeki:Diski breeki

    Chainwheel Ezé:34-42T

    Derailleur Set:Enweghị Derailleur

    Ụba ihe:Magnesium Alloy

    Ịnye ọkụ:Ike mmadụ

    Ihe nzuzu:Nchara

    Handlebar ihe:Nchara

    Egwuregwu Nkata:Titanium Alloy

    Egwuregwu Egwuregwu Egwuregwu:Aluminom / Alloy

    Typedị Ìhè:Ọwa ọkụ

    Ọnọdụ / Igwe ọkụ ọkụ:N'azụ Light

    Sadulu Shell Ihe:Alloy

    Asụsụ Ọnụ:16-22H

    Ndụdụ ihe:Aluminom Alloy

Ozi ndi ozo

    Nkwakọ ngwaahịa:Ordertụ

    Arụpụta:10000PCS kwa ọnwa


    Gbọ njem:Oke Osimiri, Ala, Ikuku

    Ebe Mmalite:China

    Tụkwasịnụ Ikike:10000pcs


Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Metal Waya Igwe Nkata na ihe ndozi niile

IKIA Nkata Bọọlụ nwere ezigbo mma .Have steel, plastic, alloy material ect. Enwere ike iji nkata ịnyịnya Bmụaka Igwe ,Obodo igwe ,Nwanyi Bicycle .Anyị na-anabata OEM na ODM iwu .We nwere ike ịnye nkata rọba nkata na nkata ígwè.

bike basket

  • Nkọwa:
    • Ihe: nchara
    • Arọ: 500 ka 1000g
    • Ojiji: maka Obodo Bike, igwe kwụ otu ebe, Igwe Ugwu
    • Ọnọdụ ojii, mgbodo, mwekota
  • Atụmatụ:
    • Inogide
    • Ngwaahịa Green
    • Mbukota siri ike
    • Ezi oru
    • Ọdịdị zuru oke
    • Zuru oke tupu ire ere na mgbe erechara ya
  • Mbukota:
    • 1pc / poli akpa
    • katọn akwụkwọ, kpara akpa na eriri
    • Ibu: 25 PC / katọn
  • Ozi Mgbakwunye:
    • Short nnyefe oge
    • OEM / ODM iwu anabatara
    • ISO 9001: ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe akwadoro 2008
    • Inwe ikike ibubata na mbupụ ozugbo
    • A na-anakwere nyocha dị iche iche dịka CIQ, SGS na BV
    • Inye akwukwo asusu di iche iche (dika Form A, Form E na Form F)
    • Anyị na-arapara mgbe nile na uru kachasị dị ala na ọrụ mmekọrịta kachasị ogologo

Na-achọ ezigbo Plastic Bketcle Basket Manufacturer & supplier? Anyị nwere nhọrọ dịgasị iche iche na nnukwu ọnụ ahịa iji nyere gị aka ịmepụta ihe. Ngwongwo Ngwongwo Ngwongwo ndi nile nwere ogo. Anyị bụ ndị China Mmalite Factory nke Steel Bicycle Nkata na Dabara Adaba. Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ajụjụ ọ bụla, biko nweere onwe gị ịkpọtụrụ anyị.

  • Nke gara aga:
  • Osote:

  • Dee ozi gị ebe a ma zitere anyị ya